Partnering with PKL: Basic Aircraft Maintenance Course

July 27, 2023

PKL offers our aerospace and defense partners with a fully-customized Basic Aircraft Maintenance Course (BAMC). The purpose of the BAMC is to teach the core, entry-level fundamentals and basic concepts related to aircraft maintenance. The BAMC is not aircraft-type specific nor is it detailed technical training; it teaches universal basic principles and foundational theories. The course’s main objective is to orient students to fundamental maintenance information.

The BAMC is designed for technicians who have completed basic military training (boot camp) but have not yet attended their specific aircraft type/system specialty training.  The BAMC is also ideal for technicians who may already be in service in another occupational field but are making a career move into Aviation Maintenance. The course is built on US Military Aviation Standards.

The BAMC is presented through a combination of in-class instruction combined with augmented simulation training [Computer Based Training (CBT), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR)]. The instructor curriculum will employ all aspects of knowledge transfer.

The course length is 8 weeks (4.5 training days per week).  During each week of instruction there will be classroom application, student self-study, and selective labs to reinforce learning. The course is segmented into 8 Stages and 31 Modules. The eight primary BAMC Stages are:

  • Stage 1 – Overview and Background
  • Stage 2 – Aircraft General
  • Stage 3 – Aircraft Systems Overview
  • Stage 4 – Safety Overview
  • Stage 5 – Aircraft Management Overview
  • Stage 6 – Maintenance Materials and Tools Overview
  • Stage 7 – Supply Support and Logistics Overview
  • Stage 8 – Train the Trainer Overview

PKL instructors are US Military veterans or FAA certified mechanics. Instructors will have 10+ years of experience, be Level-5 or Level-7 Qualified.  All instructors will teach using the US Military Aviation Standards.  We provide a training management capability for record-keeping of at least 1000 students, which can be retrieved 24/7.

Through immersive technologies like CBT, AR, and VR, the BAMC enhances the quality and upgrade of training standards of the students to learn and be acquainted with modern technology of aircraft maintenance. This allows the students to apply the knowledge from basic education and practice on the systems, to their maintenance of actual aircraft.

  • Fundamental Training Level – Computer-based Training (CBT) using desktop computers with keyboard-and-mouse interactivity. An e-learning system, this type consists of instructional media to explain basic knowledge, principles, and suggestions for aircraft maintenance systems, with relevant visualizations in 3D. 
  • Augmented Reality Training Level – Training using tablets with Augmented Reality (AR) visualizations as the technology which allows the trainees to observe the aircraft maintenance systems in a virtual 3D format. This allows them to be acquainted with the system and enhance their skill further in order to operate the Virtual Reality Training Level more efficiently.
  • Virtual Reality Training Level – Training using Virtual Reality (VR) equipment with VR environments that simulate aircraft maintenance situations for trainees to practice procedures. They also experience testing situations with emergency procedures as triggered by the instructor, which will allow trainees to gain problem-solving experience at this level. This training can be carried out solely or in a group with real joint trainees or computer-generated joint trainees. 

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