Partnering with PKL: Leadership Development Training

December 19, 2023

For over a decade, PKL has developed and delivered Leadership Training programs to the military, government agencies, universities and community colleges, and corporations. PKL’s program is unique as it views, and teaches, leadership, as a master craft requiring life-long pursuit. The first task in this master craft is developing the right paradigm of leadership; seeing the world as a leader sees it, and seeing oneself as a leader. By reflecting on leadership virtues and maxims, we constantly tap into timeless, classic wisdom—truths that have and always will stand the test of time. Peak Excellence is at once an aspiration, a vision, an end state, and a habit. To become champions in any field, we must create catalysts of excellence within the group, and once ignited, they must be sustained through deeply engrained mechanism to sustain peak output.

These mechanisms of Peak Excellence, to be truly enduring from year-to-year and generation-to-generation, must be anchored on trust.

Finally, leaders must attract top performers, achieve peak performance, and create enduring excellence. This commitment to peak performance must become a “talent strategy;” a philosophy underpinning all aspects of the company.

Leaders must develop the mindset and discipline to commit to strategic clarity; to anchor themselves and their groups on key actions and key targets that confidently pull the organization into a changing future.

For example, our Executive Leadership Course is delivered over 1.5 weeks (8 training days), with a combination of instruction, workshops, and case studies, designed to highlight the core learning objectives.

To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at

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